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Learning The Ropes

My Summer at Goddard Gamage LLP

Growing up, I didn't have any lawyers in the family—my single mother was a pharmacist. So when I was offered a paid internship at Goddard Gamage LLP after my first year in undergrad at McGill University, it was a thrilling opportunity to explore the legal profession I aim to pursue.

Before this internship, I had little knowledge of what practicing law might entail. Going into university, the onus fell on me to figure out what a career in law looks like. Fortunately, I was accepted to McGill’s Mock Trial team and felt like I belonged. I competed as both a witness and lawyer in tournaments at the University of Guelph, University of Toronto, and McGill University. We handled fictional cases loosely based on real events, alternating between prosecution and defence roles.

Competing in these mock trials, I developed a knack for crafting direct examinations and learned the importance of creating a compelling story. For example, I chose to reshape the narrative when tasked with crafting the defence’s direct examination of a CEO originally written to be money-hungry and careless. To counter the prosecution's attempts to present our client as immoral and negligent, I emphasized her journey from humble beginnings to successful leader. I framed her as a strong, resilient female boss who had overcome significant challenges. This approach aimed to evoke empathy from the judges and present a more balanced and humanized portrayal. Winning the case helped me understand how critical it is to present a witness effectively, as judges often responded better to more favourable and relatable portrayals.

Through observing and participating in mock trials, I learned basic legal vocabulary and the rudiments of trial proceedings. I was aware, of course, that there are many differences between a mock trial and a real trial. This summer internship was the perfect opportunity to gain hands-on experience in an actual legal setting.

At Goddard Gamage, I worked full-time in the office digitalizing the firm's archives. Working with old files let me see the documented process of cases from initial correspondence and retaining of a client, to the final settlement or judgment in a case. I encountered unfamiliar documents and had many questions, and I was always met with patience and intelligence by the experienced legal assistants and lawyers. Simply being present in a firm provided me with the opportunity to observe how real lawyers work day-to-day.

Working at Goddard Gamage also broadened my horizons for other possible fields of law to explore. I didn’t know about the wide variety of specializations in the legal field. While I wasn’t particularly interested in or aware of trust and estate law, I grew to find the combination of technical legal work and the human aspect of planning and protecting assets for the future to be compelling.

When not working on my main project of digitalizing archives, I covered reception, filling in for our intake coordinator. This provided me with the opportunity to speak directly with potential new clients. Hearing their stories and dilemmas prompted an understanding of the amount of empathy and compassion required in this line of work, challenging my initial perception of this area of law.

This internship has been an invaluable experience—solidifying my desire to pursue a career in law and opening my eyes to the diverse opportunities within the field. I've learned so much this summer, from practical legal skills to appreciating the importance of empathy and communication in client interactions.

I'm grateful to Goddard Gamage LLP for this incredible opportunity and look forward to continuing my legal journey.